Working together to achieve our best in reading!

The Firs ranked in top 7% of UK Primary Schools
We were very excited to receive a letter from Nick Gibb MP, who is Minister of State for School Standards, congratulating The Firs for our ‘outstanding’ achievement in ensuring 96% of our Y1 children passed the Y1 phonics test last summer.
As a Read Write Inc. school, we are passionate about reading and are determined that all our children get a fantastic start, developing their skills and as Nick Gibb says in his letter, it means our ‘pupils are developing a firm foundation in reading, from which they can become increasingly fluent and develop a lifelong love of reading’.
I was delighted to learn that, in achieving this pass mark in the Y1 phonics test, with the vast majority of our children, it placed us in the top 7% of primary schools and I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to our dedicated and hard working staff, who work so conscientiously for all our children at The Firs and to our parents and carers, who support children’s learning so successfully at home. We have worked together as a team, to achieve the best for all our children… thank you!