Welcome Back To The Firs!
Presentations and videos to share with Saplings, Pine and Y1 children
We have created presentations and videos to be shared with our older Saplings, Pine and Year 1 children. (These were also emailed to parents and carers on 12/6/20).
We realise that some children, although excited by the idea of getting back to The Firs, will be a little anxious about coming into school again. The idea is that you sit down with your child and look at the presentation / videos and chat about the content.
Hopefully, they should help to smooth the transition back to school and help our older Saplings, Year R and Year 1 children come back into school with a happy smile on their faces!
For our Reception, Year 1 and Keyworker children, please see the downloadable pdfs and links below (videos are embedded in the PDF. Hover the pointer over the picture and it turns into a hand. Click and it takes you to the video on our YouTube page. The videos can also be accessed from the 'Welcome Back' word doc. See attached below):
Our Saplings Children can watch a video below from playleader Fran to see what their new walk into pre-school and new play areas will be like.
If you are using the School News App, please visit our Firs School Website to view the videos.
Welcome Back to Saplings, Blue and Green Group
Welcome Back to Saplings, Purple and Red Group