Remote Learning at The Firs
‘Thank you to all the Firs staff for their stirling efforts during this time!’
These are strange times for all of us but it isn’t stopping our children at The Firs learning and we are very very proud of all of them! We have just under a third of our children coming into school and they are doing a fantastic job and working as hard as ever.
We wanted to say a huge well done to all the children at The Firs, who are not in school at the moment and who have been accessing the remote learning programme via Google Classroom.
We have managed to fund the purchase of additional chrome books, to compliment those we have received from the DfE and this has enabled us to send them home, to support remote learning. We are hoping that even more devices, from a local charity being run by the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, will make a further valuable contribution to this effort very soon.
Teachers have been so impressed with the fantastic responses they have received back from children at home and have been thrilled to see their happy smiling faces in live ‘Community Time’ sessions.
It has been great to get so much positive feedback from parents too, about Google Classroom and the learning that has been designed for children to access remotely...
‘The resources on google classroom are excellent and really helpful to structure the day.’
‘Homeschooling 2.0 was not top of my list of things to do this year but the lessons were great and no-one this end cried, so a win all round!’
‘Thanks to all the Firs staff for their stirling efforts during this time!’
Thank you to all our hard working staff, in school and supporting learning remotely, they have done a fabulous job!
Any provision at a distance, with young children, in circumstances like this, requires some adult help and we really want to thank all of our brilliant parents / carers for all the fantastic support they have given to help with remote learning. We know it must be difficult at times and we are very, very grateful for their efforts!
So, it has been a great team effort and just serves to demonstrate what a fantastic community we have at The Firs.
Keep smiling
We are doing everything we can to reach out to our children at home in an effort to minimise the negative impact we know lockdown can have on children’s general mental health and well being.
I want to say thank you to YR staff for example, who started live Pine ‘Community Time’ sessions this week. We feel these sessions are an important part of that effort, to help children feel emotionally connected to their class, their teacher and their friends.
We will keep reviewing what we are doing and looking for ways to help all our children at home to keep smiling through this difficult time. Take care everyone!
Thank you everybody!