2023 Phonics Test Puts Firs in top 2% of Primary Schools!

Damian Hinds MP congratulates The Firs on our 2023 Year 1 phonics test results.
I am delighted to say that the school has received a letter from Damian Hinds MP, Minister For Schools, to congratulate The Firs on our 2023 Y1 phonics test results.
He said that at 98% meeting the expected standard, it placed us in the top 2% of primary schools in the country.
He went on to say:
‘Your particular success in teaching phonics and early reading so effectively means your pupils are developing a firm foundation, from which they can become increasingly fluent and develop a lifelong love of reading’.
I want to say a huge well done to all our Year 2 children!
A thank you to all our parents for your support for your child’s reading and of course, a huge thank you to Mrs Mercer for her passion for reading and all her work, leading the RWI programme.
And finally, an equal thank you for all the hard work and dedication shown by of all our teachers, teaching assistants and Saplings practitioners, who start teaching sounds, beginning our children on their successful reading journey!
A great team effort to be proud of!